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Citizenship Students
December Citizens of the Month

Students were selected by their classmates to represent their classes as December Citizens of the Month for the character trait of Trustworthiness.

student advisors
Student Advisory Committee

Our 4th and 5th grade student advisors worked collaboratively to create and present school safety presentations to our kindgarten-2nd grade students during our town meetings.

Kindergarten students in hats
Respectful Kindergarteners

Ms. Andrews' kindergarteners participated in a Hat Day for earning points for being respectful school citizens.

Reading Revolution
4th Graders Participate in Reading Revolution

Seaford 4th Graders welcomed Ms. Hatton and Ms. Shepherd from the VDOE for Reading Revolution to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. Our special guests shared stories about freedom, democracy, and the people and places of the Revolutionary Era.

Home of the Bulldogs

About Us

Serving students in preschool through fifth grade in the York Zone of the York County School Division. 

Seaford Elementary School
1105 Seaford Road
Seaford, VA 23696

School Hours: 9 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Phone: 757-898-0352

female student sitting on the floor smiling

News & Announcements

Citizenship Students of the Month

Each month we will be highlighting a new citizenship trait. Mrs. Downs discusses the trait with students on the Bulldog News Network. Classes select students who consistently display these traits throughout the school building. These students are recognized on our Bulldog News! December's highlighted character trait was Trustworthiness.

Read More about Citizenship Students of the Month
cell phone icon

Beginning January 6, 2025, all YCSD schools will implement No Cell, Bell-to-Bell policies. Ensuring students have their personal devices off and away during the school day fosters a safe and healthy learning environment, where students can fully engage in their studies and interact meaningfully with their peers and teachers.

Read More about Cell Phone Free Education Policy
Citizenship Students of the Month

Each month we will be highlighting a new citizenship trait. Mrs. Downs discusses the trait with students on the Bulldog News Network. Classes select students who consistently display these traits throughout the school building. These students are recognized on our Bulldog News! October's highlighted character trait was Respect.

Read More about Citizenship Students of the Month

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